Higher Ground Acupuncture
Justin Long is a doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and the owner/founder of Higher Ground Acupuncture. Although he is experienced in treating a multitude of conditions, Justin specializes in mental and emotional health, digestive issues, and pain management. He takes a modern and intuitive approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), helping to identify root causes of disharmonies in the body and creating a customized treatment plan for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In addition to acupuncture, Justin also uses bodywork therapy including cupping and gua sha, along with Chinese herbal medicine to treat pain, regulate the nervous system, and bring your body into balance.
Higher Ground Acupuncture is an LBGTQ+ run business and a welcoming, healing space for all.
To book with Justin please visit:
call or text: (971) 202-9169
If you want to book an appointment or know which service is best for you, send a message, and our team will reach out to you!